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Proving Success in Women’s Sports–A Case Study



Women’s sports is not only picking up more airtime and garnering more attention, but placements in NCAA Women’s basketball and WNBA Draft programming are fueling performance across Rain the Growth Agency’s clients’ campaigns. Beyond the increase in viewership in such programming year-on-year, these viewers are taking meaningful action after ad exposure. An overwhelming 80% of dollars spent against this inventory in 2024 contributed to better conversion volume and efficiency than like media during the same time period. This is a strong proof point as the women’s sports wave gains momentum and sustains it.

Another intriguing finding was that this inventory yielded even lower cost per metrics in the second airing of a brand’s ad within the same program. Our hypothesis is that incremental viewers attained through such airings were more likely to take action when exposed to the brand’s ad a second time as it could have been the first and second exposure for that viewer within the entire ad campaign. Regardless of the reason, the case can convincingly be made for surrounding women’s sports inventory with more than one ad exposure.

Rain the Growth Agency, together with its client partners, are proving that everyone can win when advertisers lean into women’s sports.

This article is featured in Media Impact Report No. 56. View the full report here.

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